Sweedish Massage
A technique that uses long strokes, kneading, with light to firm pressure for relaxation.
30 min ______ $65
60 min ______ $95
90 min ______ $135
Traditional modality in which a suction is created against the skin. The negative pressure separates the layers of facia, allowing the tissue to move more freely and increase lymphatic flow. This service is included free upon request.
Mercier Therapy
A non-invasive pelvic visceral massage technique that treats a variety of women’s health issues. This 6-week protocol treats PCOS, Endometriosis, pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, pelvic scaring, C-section recovery, and can increase fertility for those trying to conceive.
Conciltstion and fist Session $200
One hour conciliation where we discuss medical history, goals, expectations, and a hands on examination to establish a base line. The first full session is included in this price.
Follow up Session $115
One hour session includes Mercier protocol and debrief of prior session.
monthly Maintinance $115
One hour session includes Mercier protocol and discussion of any changes or concerns.